Flowpacks & Liners

Pillowpack, block bottom, quattro seal – flowpacks are as versatile as the products they pack!

Loose goods such as candies, grated cheese or cornflakes and individually wrapped pieces such as chocolates - safely packed: that's what flowpacks and liners are best at!

Key Features & benefits

  • Paper- and plastic-based films and laminates
  • Thickness: starting at 30 µm
  • choice of barriers, such as EVOH, PVOH, Alox, Siox or no barrier
  • Double PE chords: D4R but looking like the good old viscose string version
  • PP, PE and paper-based D4R versions


Customer stories

Contribution to sustainability

  • MonoFlow(re) PXC certified recyclable
  • Worldstar award

Markets & Applications flowpacks and liners suit best

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