Alu foils

A packaging that follows and stays in the shape of your goods!

The superb deadfold of aluminium and its good printability makes this popular packaging a real classic.

  • Thicknesses: 9 – 12 µm
  • Material: aluminium
  • Printable with up to 8 colours

Thanks to the best-in-class deadfold of aluminium, the packaging stays in the desired shape and tightly wraps the contours of the product.

Yes, in fact aluminium is infinitely recyclable. 75% of all aluminium ever produced is still in use today.

The haptics of aluminium provide a premium feel and touch, making ideally suited for premium products.

We can print on aluminium with up to eight colours.

Hollow figures, such Christmas or Easter figures and or tablets and bars are classically packed with packaging solutions including aluminium.

  • Aluminium is infinitely recyclable and 75% of all aluminium ever produced is still in use today.

Markets & Applications alu foils suit best

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