Prohélio Award 2024 goes to adapa France Averdoingt

#teamadapa has once again scored on the Prohélio awards. During the 2024 soirée in Laval, France, the 2-sided rotogravure printing of Earthpresso Terra NATUREA coffee design, created by Prodia+ in partnership with Méo Fichaux, was announced as one of the winners of the prestigious French rotogravure printing awards.

The Prohélio Awards – a two-folded jury to judge the graphical and technical details

With a mission of promoting rotogravure, the Prohélio Association was founded in 1988. Having a passion for technology and industry improvement, Prohélio supports its members’ development and instills a strategic direction to face technological, industrial and societal changes. As part of this mission, Prohélio calls out for entries to their printing competition, the Prestiges Prohélio.

The participants’ designs are judged based on the printing quality and the packaging model’s graphics. The jury was therefore split in two panels:

The graphic design panel: Made up mainly of students, this part of the jury focused on creative criteria, such as visual impact, storytelling, originality of the design, visual effects, consumer sensitivity, etc.

On the other hand the technical panel, made up of professionals from the gravure printing industry, focused on the quality of the design: printing finesse, register, printing complexity linked to the printed medium, number of colours, technical innovation, etc.

In order to win, our sample had to score both on the design itself as well as the technical printing.

A sense for good design and a passion for details – our award winning design

The winner design ‘Earthpresso Terra NATUREA’ is a private label brand created by Prodia+, first network of independent vending machine companies in France, and produced by the biggest independent coffee roaster in France Méo Fichaux. Passing from generation to generation, Méo Fichaux combines creativity, experience and teamwork, passion and love of coffee.

Their capabilities of creating a very tasteful and modern design to match their unique coffee specialties combined with the skills of our printers led to the success at the Prestiges Prohélio competition. We are honored to receive this prestigious award and congratulate the teams at Méo Fichaux, Prodia+ and adapa on an excellent job!

Roto excellence at adapa

With decades of experience, we at adapa share our customers’ passion for the finest designs to optimally promote their brands. Our sites are capable of producing laminate films with up to eleven colours, including coldseal and heatseal applications, for all major applications in flexible packaging.

Our adapa roto-printing team has an eye for details and a passion for printing unique designs in a highest quality.

Would you like to learn more about rotogravure printing or printing in general? Let’s get in touch! Just click the contact button below and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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