News Hub

23. January 2024 4 minutes reading time
SkinFreshTop Expert: The new skin film quality for meat, fish & co

Skin films are a popular choice for packing premium meat and fish products due to their premium appearance on the shelf and their potential for resource savings.

09. December 2023 2 minutes reading time
Closing the loop with recyclability and 80% PCR content

adapa Group’s EcoString bag is the more sustainable alternative to the drawstring bag

04. October 2023 3 minutes reading time
CEPI-certified recyclable paper-based twist wrap: the new PaperTwister(re)

Packaging specialist adapa has the knack when it comes to packing confectionery such as toffees, soft caramels or sweets in an efficient and resource-saving way.

Press contact adapa Group Communications:

IZ NÖ-Süd Strasse 1, Obj. 50C
2351 Wiener Neudorf

Press contact products and product pages:

Casa Blanca Communication GmbH & Co. KG
Claudia Diedrichsen
Blankeneser Bahnhofsstrasse 46
D-22587 Hamburg

Fon: + 49 (40) 4 71 10 01-70
Fax: + 49 (40) 4 71 10 01-80

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